
 (srfi srfi-1)  ;; map/fold
 (srfi srfi-19) ;; date/time
 (srfi srfi-26) ;; partial application
 (ice-9 regex)
 (sxml simple)

(define (error-exit message)
  (error message)
  (exit 1))

(define (parse-args rest result)
  (if (null? rest)
      (let ((arg (car rest)))
         ((or (string=? arg "-s")
              (string=? arg "--settings"))
          (if (null? rest)
              (error-exit "expecting settings file after -s --settings")
              (parse-args (cdr (cdr rest))
                          (cons (cons 'settings (cadr rest)) result))))
         ((or (string=? arg "-e")
              (string=? arg "--eval"))
          (if (null? rest)
               "expecting settings file after -e --eval")
              (parse-args (cdr (cdr rest))
                          (cons (cons 'eval-settings (cadr rest)) result))))
         ((or (string=? arg "-r")
              (string=? arg "--raw-directory"))
          (if (null? rest)
               "expecting raw directory after -r --raw-directory")
              (parse-args (cdr (cdr rest))
                          (cons (cons 'settings (cadr rest)) result))))
         ((or (string=? arg "-o")
              (string=? arg "--out-dir"))
          (if (null? rest)
              (error-exit "expecting output directory after -o --out-dir")
              (parse-args (cdr (cdr rest))
                          (cons (cons 'out-dir (cadr rest)) result))))
         ((or (string=? arg "-h")
              (string=? arg "--help"))
          (display "* git-to-web
 static web page generator for git repositories.
 -s / --settings <settings-file>
    The Settings file containing settings for the output.
    You can use \"-s\" multiple times. Settings from the last file given will
    outrule previous ones.
 -e / --eval <settings-script-file>
    Execute <settings-script-file> with guile and take the result as settings.
    Beware of enabling this for users provided files, since it allows arbitary
    code execution on your server.
    \"-e\" can be given multiple times just like \"-s\".
 -r / --raw-directory <raw-directory>
    Read this directory's file tree to generate the webpage.
    The default is \"./raw\".
 -o / --output-diretory <output-directory>
    The directory where to put the generated index.html and html/ directory.
    The default is \".\".
 -h / --help
    Display this text.\n")
          (exit 0))
         (else (error-exit (string-append "unknown argument '"
                                          "'\nRun --help for info.\n")))))))

(define (handle-settings-file file-arg)
  (cond ((not (pair? file-arg)) #f)
        ((eq? 'settings (car file-arg))
         (with-input-from-file (cdr file-arg) (lambda () (read))))
        ((eq? 'eval-settings (car file-arg))
         (load (cdr file-arg)))
        (else #f)))

;;; TODO
;;; The path / project nameing setup is currently a mess
;;; with code specificly written for my setup

(define base-dir (path-normalize (path-abs "../")))
(define example-git-links '(("git://" . "")
                            ("https://" . "")))

(define (substring-base base longstr)
  (let ((base-length (string-length base)))
    (if (and (> (string-length longstr) base-length)
             (string= longstr base 0 base-length))
        (substring longstr base-length)

(define (make-git-link dir link)
  (let ((path (string-append (car link) (path-append (cdr link) dir))))
    `(li (a (@ (href ,path)) ,path))))

(define (make-git-links git-links)
  (let* ((dir (substring-base base-dir (path-abs "."))))
    `(div (@ (class "git-links"))
          (h4 "Git Links")
           ,(map (cut make-git-link dir <>) git-links)))))

(define (make-git-latest-commits git-dir)
  ;; git log --date=format:%Y-%m-%d --pretty=format:"%ad %s"
  (define logs (shell-command-to-string* "git"
                                         "-n 3"
                                         "--pretty=format:%ad %s"))
    ,(file-view-text-raw logs "Latest Logs")))

(define (assoc-value key alist fallback)
  (let ((value (assoc key alist)))
    (if value (cdr value) fallback)))

(define (main raw-args)
  (define args (parse-args (cdr raw-args) '()))
  (define settings (concatenate
                    (filter identity (map handle-settings-file args))))

  (setlocale LC_ALL "")
  (with-output-to-file "index.html"
    (lambda ()
      (set-port-encoding! (current-output-port) "utf-8")
      (let* ((base-dir (assoc-value 'out-dir args "."))
             (raw-dir (assoc-value 'raw-dir args (path-append base-dir "raw")))
             (files (get-files-list raw-dir)))
          "Project Overview"
            ;; (div (@ (class "menu"))
            ;;      ,(let* ((issues-active (assoc-value 'issues settings #t))
            ;;              (issues (if issues-active
            ;;                          (make-issues-page settings)
            ;;                          '())))
            ;;         (if issues-active
            ;;             '()
            ;;             `(a (@ (href "./issues.html"))
            ;;                 ,(string-append
            ;;                   "Issues ("
            ;;                   (length issues)
            ;;                   ")")))))
            (h1 ,(assoc-value 'title settings (basename (path-abs base-dir))))
            ,(directory-view-head "./html")
            ,(directory-view-dir raw-dir "./html" "html" files)
            ,(make-git-links (assoc-value 'git-links settings
            ,(make-git-latest-commits ".")
            (main ,(directory-view-readme raw-dir files))
            ,(if (assoc-value 'credit-git-to-web settings #t)
                   (small "This page was generated with "
                          (a (@ (href ""))