
(define-module (file-view)
  #:use-module (html-wrapper)
  #:use-module (path-utils)
  #:use-module (file-utils)
  #:use-module (utils)
  #:use-module (system-utils)
  #:use-module (sxml simple)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-13)
  #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
  #:use-module (ice-9 popen)
  #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
  #:export (file-view

(define (count-lines str)
  (+ (string-fold (lambda (c acc) (if (char=? c #\newline)
                                      (+ 1 acc)
                                      acc)) 0 str)
     ;; missing new line at the end of file
     (if (or
          (string-null? str)
          (char=? (string-ref str (- (string-length str) 1)) #\newline))

(define* (file-view file-path  #:optional (title (title-links file-path)))
  ((or (file-view-for-too-big file-path)
       (file-view-for-name file-path)
       (file-view-for-type file-path)
       file-view-text) file-path title))

(define LIMIT (* 10 1024 1024))       ; 10 MB
(define (file-view-for-too-big file-path)
  (define stats (stat file-path))
  (define size (or (and stats (stat:size stats)) 0))
  (if (> size LIMIT)
      (file-view-too-big size)

(define (file-view-for-name file-path)
  (let ((ext (path-extension file-path)))
    (cond ((string-ci=? ext ".org") file-view-org)
          ((string-ci=? ext ".svg") file-view-image)
          (else #f))))

(define (file-view-for-type file-path)
  (let ((output (shell-command-to-string* "file" "-b" "--mime" file-path)))
    (cond ((string-match "\\bimage\\b" output) file-view-image)
          ((string-match "\\bvideo\\b" output) file-view-video)
          (else #f))))

(define (file-view-text file-path title)
  (let* ((contents (get-file-contents file-path)))
    (file-view-text-raw contents title)))

(define (file-view-text-raw contents title)
  (define lines (count-lines contents))
  `(div (@ (class "file-view text"))
        (h4 ,title)
        (div (@ (class "contents"))
             (pre (@ (class "line-numbers") (aria-hidden "true"))
                  ,(let ((numbers '()))
                     (do ((i lines (- i 1)))
                         ((<= i 0))
                       (set! numbers (cons (string-append
                                            (number->string i)
                                            "\n") numbers)))
             (pre (@ (class "file-content")
                     (aria-description "File content: "))

;; (define (regex-replace-sxml str rules)
;;   (map (lambda (r)
;;          (let* ((regex (car r))
;;                 (sxml-pattern (cadr r))
;;                 (match (regexp-exec (make-regexp regex regexp/icase) str)))
;;            (if match
;;                (sxml-map (lambda (name value)))
;;                (match:substring match)
;;                "")))
;;        rules))

;;; wtf that is a lot
;; (define (md->sxml content)
;;   ;; just implemented what i need right now
;;   ("!\[([^\]+])\]\(([^\)]+)\)" `(img (@ (alt $1) (src $2))))
;;   content)

;; (define (file-view-md file-path title)
;;   (define md-sxml (md->sxml (get-file-contents file-path)))
;;   `(div (@ (class "file-view md rendered-markup"))
;;         (h4 ,title)
;;         (div (@ (class "contents"))
;;              (div (@ (class "file-content")) ,md-sxml))))

(define (file-view-org file-path title)
  (define org-raw (shell-command-to-string*
                   ;; TODO figure out the emacs version
                   ;;      and use appropriate elisp

                   ;; only valid with emacs 23
                   ;; "(progn
                   ;;     (setq org-export-preserve-breaks t)
                   ;;     (princ (org-export-region-as-html
                   ;;            (point-min) (point-max) t 'string)))"

                   ;; only tested with emacs 25
                       (require 'org)
                       (setq org-export-preserve-breaks t)
                       (org-html-export-as-html nil nil nil t)
                       (switch-to-buffer \"*Org HTML Export*\")
                       (princ (buffer-substring-no-properties
                                  (point-min) (point-max))))"
  ;; There is a bug with simple sxml not parsing &hellip and &ndash
  (define org-fix1 (string-substitute org-raw "&ndash;" "-" #t))
  (define org-contents (string-substitute org-fix1 "&hellip;" "..." #t))
  (define org-sxml (if (string=? org-contents "\n")
                       (xml->sxml (string-append "<div>"

  `(div (@ (class "file-view org rendered-markup"))
        (h4 ,title)
        (div (@ (class "contents"))
             (div (@ (class "file-content")) ,org-sxml))))

(define (file-view-too-big size)
  (lambda (file-path title)
   (define rel-path (to-relative-raw-path file-path))
   `(div (@ (class "file-view too-big"))
         (h4 ,title)
         (div (@ (class "contents"))
              (span "File too big to generate preview")
              (a (@ (href ,rel-path))
                 "[view raw "
                 ,(human-file-size size)

(define (human-file-size bytes)
  (cond ((< bytes (* 1 1024)) (string-append (number->string bytes) "Byte"))
        ((< bytes (* 1024 1024)) (string-append (number->string (/ bytes 1024)) "KiB"))
        ((< bytes (* 1024 1024 1024)) (string-append (number->string (/ bytes (* 1024 1024))) "MiB"))
        ((< bytes (* 1024 1024 1024 1024)) (string-append (number->string (/ bytes (* 1024 1024 1024))) "GiB"))
        (#t (string-append (number->string (/ bytes (* 1024 1024 1024 1024))) "TiB"))))

(define (file-view-image file-path title)
  (define rel-path (to-relative-raw-path file-path))
  `(div (@ (class "file-view image"))
        (h4 ,title)
        (div (@ (class "contents"))
             (img (@ (src ,rel-path))))))

(define (file-view-video file-path title)
  (define rel-path (to-relative-raw-path file-path))
  `(div (@ (class "file-view video"))
        (h4 ,title)
        (div (@ (class "contents"))
             (video (@ (src ,rel-path)  (loop "loop") (autoplay "autoplay")
                       (controls "controls") (muted "muted"))
                    (string-append "Can not play video" ,rel-path)))))

(define (title-links file-path)
  (define parts (string-split file-path #\/))
  (define final (last parts))
  (define mid (cdr (reverse (cdr (reverse parts)))))
  (define links
    (cdr (fold (lambda (value acc)
                 (define path (if (<= (car acc) 0)
                                  (repeat-str (car acc) "../")))
                 (define file-path (string-append path "index.html"))
                 (define link `((a (@ (href ,file-path)) ,value) "/"))
                 (define links (append (cdr acc) link))
                 (cons (- (car acc) 1) links))
               (cons (- (length mid) 1) '())
  (append `((a (@ (href ,(string-append
                          (repeat-str (length mid) "../")
               "root") "/")
          `((a (@ (href ,(string-append final ".html")))

(define (to-relative-raw-path file-path)
  (define slash-count (string-count file-path #\/))
  (define result #f)
  (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
       (acc file-path (string-append "../" acc)))
      ((> i slash-count))
    (set! result acc))